
Tracey Payne works in sculpture, installation and video. 

‘Making objects, filling spaces where people will be alarmed and will laugh. Slapstick, silliness, accidents, surprises. Stand-up, fall-down. How/who to trust? Around the edges and in the gaps we live our lives. It all seems so permanent, monolithic and unshiftable until things start to move. Form without substance. Breath, no breath.’

Since June 2011 a significant part of her research has been in collaboration with Ellie Collins.


Selected work

The answer to the wrong question

White metal, acrylic, 2022

Swollen blob

Installation, 2021

Obstacle 2

Installation, 2018

Wishful Thinking (Grimsby)

Installation, 2017

Wishful Thinking (Bankside)

Artists' film, Tracey Payne and Neil Cheshire, 10 mins, 52 secs, 2015

Aqeous Humour

Installation, 2015


Installation, 2014

Pepper's Ghost Horse

Installation, 2013

Hey! Look at me!

Mobile installation and accompanying performance, 2013

Shovel sounds

Installation and sound piece, 2012


Installation, 2011


Five Breaths, I min 51, secs, 2010

link to vimeo

Squeeze Tube, Ellie Collins and Tracey Payne, 5 mins 7 secs, 2011

link to vimeo



November 2017, Wishful Thinking (Grimsby), Blip, Grimsby

June - July 2014, Breathing space, Curious Project Space & Gallery, Eastbourne

March 2014, Occupation, Art Lacuna, London.


January 2024, Shape Open, 198 Gallery, London

Oct/Nov 2022, Everything but paint, Fronteer Gallery, Sheffield

August 2021, Absurd, Crypt Gallery, London.

October 2017, Auntie-Freeze, Cave, London.

Jan 2017-Jan 2018, Orbital, LEWIS, Dusseldorf, Germany.

October 2015, Sluice Art Fair, Bargehouse, London.

Nov/Dec 2013, Title Art Prize exhibition, Blankspace, Manchester.

October 2013, Art Lacuna Prize exhibition, Art Lacuna, London.

Sept/Oct 2013, Deptford X Fringe, various locations, London.

July/Aug 2012, Deptford X Fringe, Deptford Project, London.

July 2012, No Now!, Space Station Sixty-Five, London.

Sept/Oct 2011, Jerwood Drawing Prize exhibition, Jerwood Space, London.

June 2011, Flash in the Pan, Beaconsfield Contemporary Art, London.

June 2011, Creekside Open, APT Gallery, London.

February 2011, The Treacle Group presents..., The Shop XVIII, Cambridge


January 2014 Arts Council England - Grant for the Arts.

October 2013 shortlisted for the Art Lacuna Prize (selectors Julia Alvarez, Sonia Boyce and Jamie Shovlin).

September 2011 shortlisted for the Jerwood Drawing Prize (selectors Iwona Blazwick, Tim Marlow and Rachel Whiteread).

June 2011 shortlisted for the Creekside Open (selector Phyllida Barlow).


2014 Art Lacuna Space, London.

2012 AIR mini-residency investigating and responding to the visible and invisible qualities and predicaments of Archway, London.

2011 The Future is Social looking at issues and criticism arising from ‘socially-engaged’ art (with Sonia Boyce), Flat Time House, Peckham, London.


MirrorMirror, The Reflective Surface in Contemporary Art, Michael Petry, Thames and Hudson, November 2024, (forthcoming).


2011 Fine Art, MA (distinction), University of the Arts London.

1986 Moral and Political Philosophy, BA (hons) 2.1, Lancaster University.

Work in progress

Moving towards an imaginary lost view

Neon acrylic, masking tape, window view across Southwark, ongoing